How to Use Twitter like a Pro?

Everyone must have heard of Twitter by now. Ever since it was founded in 2006, there has been a lot of discourse that has been happening on Twitter. From the politicians to the actors, from the sportspersons to the Presidents, everyone is tweeting on Twitter. Twitter is basically a social media platform that has profiles and a newsfeed.
 Users can tweet, share and post whatever they want to. It should although fit into 280 characters or less. Previously tweets were limited to 140 characters or less. Gradually Twitter rolled out the limit to 280 words. Users can also tweet images, videos or GIFs. They can even include polls in these tweets to measure popular opinion.
So basically, Twitter is just another method of communication. Just like we share our things on Facebook, picnics on Instagram, similarly we share our thoughts on Instagram. Sometimes they are funny, or sometimes they are tragic. Limitless range of expressions can be expressed in a tweet. Many people prefer twitter platform because of its reputation of shorter commentary. Whether you are a novice or have been using Twitter for some time, It is never a bad idea to learn about new tips for speeding up your success.
  • Tweet early and often

This is particularly the most important tip if you have just started using Twitter. Initially, you do not have any baselines. Although there are some guidelines, in reality, you will not know about the best time to get to your audience till you make an experiment. Be aware that your followers do not check Twitter all at once. Try to get all your tweets out during business hours.
  • Keep in mind that you are not over saturating your followers

Try not to get overboard while sending out all those tweets. Tweeting in every five minutes can be too much for your followers. It is very clear that you do not want your audience to get annoyed with your tweets and unfollow you to get peace. If your tweets frequency is increasing and your engagements start dropping out, then this could be a sign that you are annoying your followers.
  • Jump over to relevant trending topics

It is probably the simplest way, jump over the most trending topics. Search for the trending topics on Twitter, those with accompanying hashtags. Join the conversation when it is relevant.  There are several organization and brands that tweet to support movements and causes like Women’s History Month.  Animal lovers used a trendy holiday hashtag that worked. Do not think twice before engaging in the conversation regarding trending topics. Keep in mind that the topic should not be directly related to your services and products.
  • Take advantage of 280 characters

Twitter decided to expand its characters limits in 2017, from 140 to 280. Many people would have their opinion if it was a good or a bad idea. It expands your thoughts to fit in any tweet. It is easy for you now to take your tweets beyond a couple of sentences and expand it more. So stop fitting in a box and get creative like an artist.
  • Look for data to make decisions

Whenever you want to make subtle changes to your Twitter strategy, it is based on your gut instinct. Making crucial decisions only because you feel like can harm you in the long run.  So, instead of going impulsive, take some time to look at your Twitter analytics and calculate what is working and what is not. Make plans closer to your goals based on that calculation.
Jeniffer Leio is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technical industry since 2002. As a technical expert, Jeniffer Leio written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as


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