Guide to Install ChromeOS on Old Laptops by Using Chromefy

Nowadays, the ChromeOS is becoming a pretty gentle operating system around the world. Google has been working hard for promoting their Chromebook tablets which work only on this ChromeOS operating system. And the ChromeOS is completely based on the Linux, and thus it is also compatible with the variety of devices, now, the ChromeOS supports the running Androids apps which has been increasing the support for its operating systems.
However, installing the ChromeOS will always renew your old Windows laptop or any Desktop computer. And it will also keep it able to run some new and useful software which are easily available on the Android devices. Additionally, it will make your computer faster than before because its operating system is moderately lighter than some others.
To install it on your Old Laptops by using the Chromefy, you need to follow below-given steps.
Steps to Install ChromeOS on Old Laptops by Using Chromefy
Firstly, users have to confirm that the below-given requirements are ready, to start the process it is necessary to confirm it,
  • Download the latest official Chrome Recovery Image on your Old Laptop.
Before downloading the Chrome Recovery Image, we want to tell you that downloading type will only depend on your device screen resolution like:
  • For Mid or High-Resolution displays – download eve.
  • And for very Low-resolution displays – download Pyro.
While if you want for this to work, then you just need to have your device running on Intel, ARM, or a RockChip chipset.
Using the Chromefy
  1. Firstly, build a Live USB Disk.
  2. Now, start boot into the Live USB drive
  3. Then, use the given path for installing it on HDD or SDD:
  • sudo /user/sbin/ChromeOS-install –dst YOURDRIVE (Ex: /dev/sda)
  1. Once confirm that your installation process is working before continuing the process.
  2. Next, set the third partition of your sdX drive to a minimum up to 4 GB’s.
  3. Again, start booting from the Live USB.
  4. Confirm that your Chrome OS image is available, if yes then run the command,
  • sudo bash /path/to/ YOURSYSTEMPARTITION(EX: /dev/sda3) /path/to/chosenchromeosbuild.bin /path/to/carolinebuild.bin
  1. Lastly, manually need to make Powerwash by using the given command,
  • sudo mkfs.ext4 YOURDATAPARTITION(Ex: /dev/sda1)
Finally, restart your computer system so that changes can take effects.
Graccey Leio is a self-professed security expert; she has been making the people aware of the security threats. Her passion is to write about Cybersecurity, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. She  writes for Norton security products at


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